Idélire 2012-Bienvenue à nos auteurs et illustrateurs du Quebec!

Avril ce n’est pas seulement le mois du printemps mais c’est le mois d’IDÉLIRE 2012

This year’s Idélire has brought us talented authors and  illustrators from Quebec.  We welcome illustrator Christine Battuz and authors Domnique Giroux and Priska Poirier.  What a treat for the students of Hastings School!

Christine has illustrated a number of books, many found in our library.  Here she is with all the French Immersion Grade ones discussing her stories and illustrations.  The Grade Ones then had fun telling Christine what to draw, and in no time at all she sketched their picks on chart paper.

Priska is the author of the series:  Le royaume de Lénacie. Marguerite est une adolescente éleveée depuis sa naissance dans l’amour que lui prodiguent ses parents adoptifs.  Elle mène une vie bien tranquille jusqu’à son quatorzième anniversaire.  À partir de ce jour, elle ressent l’appel irrésistible de la mer, au point d’inciter toute sa famille à prendre la direction des cotes américaines.  Priska will be commencing a new series for next year.

Tome 1:  Les épreuves  d’Alek

Tome 2: Vague de perturbations

Tome 3: Complots et bravoure

Tome 4: Sacrifice déchirant

Dominique has written 11 books and has presented to hundreds of schools in Canada,  Europe and Africa.  Dominique reenacted the story of “Ca Roule” about a young girl in a wheelchair who wants to participate in a class field trip. She also involved the Grade ones and twos in an interactive session where the students became active participants.   Dominique presented to all the Grade 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s of Hastings School and gave us all a good chuckle.

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Published in: on April 19, 2012 at 6:23 pm  Leave a Comment